It's a pond viewing, public fueled, pond voting, type deal. Frankly it's going to be fun for everyone.
2016 is here which means it's that time of year again! June 18th, at 9am to 4pm Pondest will be back and we are excited to present to you another fun, “pond tour of a different sort”.
We hope those of you who joined us on our first tour will comeback to join us on our second. The ponds are all different and will bring you new ideas and dreams for your own.
For those of you joining us for the first time you're probably wondering what this whole “pondtest” is. Well, you see we wanted to give the traditional pond tour a little bit of zest and add something that everyone might benefit from. Here's what we did:
First off pond tours are an event designed to allow pond owners to show off their pond designs and for those who are searching for inspiration for their present or future pond to hopefully find it. It's also enjoyable for those who don't own ponds, you get to see something a bit different and some people simply have wonderful water gardens while others have amazing Koi or other fish. The Pondtest still has this purpose in mind but we included local businesses, raffles, and contests.
When you purchase a ticket, which happens to be a booklet filled with all the info you'll need, you'll find a slip of paper. This slip of paper will have a side that asks three different questions such as favorite fish, favorite pond, and most creative. You'll then put who's pond you think fits where. On the other side of that paper slip will be two lines for you to put your name and phone number, once that's filled out you can drop it off at a designated 'drop box' and you'll be entered into a raffle that takes place shortly after the day of the Pondtest.
The raffle is funded by local businesses that have generously donated gift cards for you to win. In the last Pondtest we had fifteen wonderful sponsors who donated gift cards that ranged from $10 to $75 for things such as landscaping supplies, food, and acrylic nails. So who knows what you might win.
The contest is for those who have entered their ponds for viewing by the public. The winners from each of the categories will win $100 per winner.
This is an extremely fun event and can be enjoyed at any age. You might leave a pond with a wonderful new plant you want for your pond or with fish kisses on your hands, one never knows. So gather a few good friends or family members and enjoy some of the local pond creations.
2014 Winners
Most Creative Pond ... Anderson Pond
Favorite Fish ... Watkins Pond
Favorite Pond ... Carter Pond
2016 Winners
Most Creative Pond...Isaacson Pond
Favorite Fish...Johnson Pond
Favorite Pond...True Pond